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Matrimonial Homes and Divorce: Key Considerations for Couples Splitting Up 

Jul 17, 2024

Matrimonial Homes and Divorce: Key Considerations for Couples Splitting Up  David Anthony, Jeffrey...

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What Are the Legal Criteria for Granting Guardianship of a Minor?

Jul 03, 2024

What is Guardianship of a Minor? Guardianship of a minor refers to the legal process where an indiv...

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Annulment in Canada: When Is It an Option?

Jun 03, 2024

What is Annulment and How Does it Differ From Divorce? Annulment and divorce are two distinct legal...

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Joint Custody vs. Sole Custody: Which is Right for Your Family?

May 11, 2024

How Do You Approach Custody Proceedings? When considering an Ontario divorce involving minor childr...

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When and How to Request an Emergency Custody Order in Canada

Mar 12, 2024

What Can You Do if You Believe Your Child's Safety or Well-Being is in Danger Under Your Current Cus...

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Enforcing Parenting Orders: What to Do When the Other Parent Doesn’t Comply

Feb 29, 2024

What Steps Should You Take if the Other Parent is Not Honoring the Terms of Your Parenting Order? N...

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Emergency Custody Orders vs. Regular Custody Orders: Key Differences

Jan 06, 2024

What is a Custody Order? Custody orders are orders given by the court that outline how divorced or ...

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Should I Split My CPP Pension?

Nov 16, 2023

What Do You Need to Know About CPP Pension Splitting Following a Divorce? Many individuals have con...

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Do Parents Have to Agree on Section 7 Expenses?

Oct 03, 2023

What Are Section 7 Expenses? Establishing an appropriate amount of child support is one crucial par...

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